Samuel Crowther Adjaye was an ex-slave and the first Black Bishop in the Church of England. He was rescued by the West Africa Squadron, and dedicated his life to both God, and anti slavery.
Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Ajayi also spelled Adjai or Ajai, (born c. 1809, Oshogun, Yoruba region [Nigeria]—died December 31, 1891, Lagos, Southern Nigeria), the first African to be ordained by the Church Missionary Society, who was in 1864 consecrated bishop of the Niger territory.
Sold into slavery at the age of 12, Crowther was rescued in mid-passage by a British cruiser and landed at Sierra Leone, where he was educated in a mission school and baptized. In 1842 he went to the Church Missionary College in London, and he received holy orders. Back in the Yoruba country, Crowther worked among his people as a missionary from 1843 to 1851. After accompanying several expeditions to the Niger, he devoted the rest of his life to administrative and evangelistic duties in his newly created diocese of the Niger territory.
Mr Samuel Crowther Jay
He was taken away
Later, he was saved
Mr Samuel Crowther Jay
Captured by the Portuguese
Taken to the West Indies
Mr Samuel Crowther Jay
One day, he went away
Here's a story about a slave
A nation he came to embrace
Got down on his knees and prayed
I thank the Lord that I've been saved
Mr Samuel Crowther Jay
On the day he broke away
Captured and was sold again
Pray for Samuel Crowther Jay
And in the deep dark hold
He prayed the Lord would save his soul
If my soul should learn the truth
My body soon shall follow suit
Blessings from Her Majesty
We've been obliged to set you free
Go in peace and go your way
Mr Samuel Crowther Jay
Mr Samuel Crowrher Jay,
Who can say what you can say?
What can those of us today
Say to Samuel Crowther Jay?
Mr Samuel Crowther Jay (X4)